MDI Technologies

Company Divisions

Mize Development, Inc. has distinct divisions that work cooperatively to meet the needs of our clients. In the complex world we live in, education, technology and construction often come together in single projects. These type projects are where MDI stands out. As our history bears out, MDI is uniquely suited to meet educational needs through the integration of technology and physical space improvements. The following are brief descriptions of our primary divisions and their areas of service.

MDI Higher Education (MDIHE) provides higher education Institutions with a depth of understanding that only comes from time and experience in the field. Our consultants and solution designers have cut their teeth at all levels of the college experience and bring this understanding to the design of solutions for the issues facing institutions today.

MDI-Technologies (MDIT) provide technology tools and services to meet an ever-changing technology landscape. The best-of-breed technologies available to institutions come with the expertise and care to ensure success and ease of use. All with the service management necessary to make the user experience well above the norm.

MDI-Facilities Management (MDIFM) provides the consulting, design and management of physical facilities to meet both instructional and information processing needs. MDIFM has the project management experience to help institutions increase efficiency by avoiding many of the pitfalls associate with technology requirements of new and retrofit projects. Increased efficiency helps institutions gain the most out of every dollar while avoiding the need to sacrifice critical functionality.
